Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blinders help

I'm generally pretty happy. I have a stable homelife... I have a job. Doesn't pay much, but then again I don't need much. Sure, I'd love to vacation at my summer home in the Rockies and winter on a Hawaiian beach, but that's not happening any time soon. I have serious aches and pains, but I can walk, talk and see the beauty around me. I also notice the crap.

When I'm walking the prairie with my dogs and soaking up a great day...be it 5 below zero, 70 and perfect or 100^...I feel like I have it all. I'm good with my life. Then I see someone in a brand-new top of the line SUV and I think, "Man I wish I had one of those"... I turn on the TV and watch the latest incarnation of American celebrity feasting on something magnificent and I think how a billion dollars would make it so easy....

If I block it all out...boil things down to what really stirs my soul, I'd be walking in a field with my dogs loving a day under the wide open sky....keeping it simple.

Blinders would help.

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